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Best Tips to Snap Out of That Sleepy Spell While Working From Home!

Updated: Mar 24, 2022

Girl cycling on SG Bike at Marina Bay Sands

With work from home being our new default, do you notice you have been struggling to keep those eyelids open during office hours? Have there been one too many distractions at home? 😨 Has your bed been looking a bit too comfortable recently?

Here are some tips to keep yourself awake and away from distractions as you WFH!


Tip 1: Eat a healthy snack

A cup of green smoothie and peanuts on the table

As tempting as they are, sugary snacks tend to produce mental fogginess and can tire you out! Avoid unhealthy snacks and instead, eat the following to keep you awake and stay focused better as you munch away guilt-free:

  • Peanut butter on whole-wheat crackers 🍪

  • Plain yoghurt 😋

  • Nuts or fresh fruit 🥜🍉🍎

  • Baby carrots with a cheese dip (preferably low fat) 🥕🧀

Avoid carb-heavy foods as well, like bread, chips, or cookies!

Tip 2: Get up and move around

Woman drinking water in the kitchen

Standing up and walking around the house can be an excellent way to re-energize yourself! A study showed that taking a 10-minute walk increases energy for up to two hours. Getting lunch or going to the toilet would be some good ways to get up and start moving! 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️

We should be able to convince our bosses to give us walking breaks with this one.

Tip 3: Drink water

SG Bike water bottle on a desk

Dehydration can cause fatigue. Make sure you drink plenty of water to keep yourself from falling asleep! An emergency medicine specialist, Neal Shipley, recommends drinking water like it’s your job (if it were our job, we would be rich by now 🤑💰). Taking a 10-minute break every hour to get up and fill your water bottle will help you stay healthier and more alert while keeping you hydrated. This accomplishes both tip 2 and tip 3 at the same time. 🥤🧊🧊

Coke or any other soft drinks do not count as water, unfortunately :(

Tip 4: Regular exercise

Girl cycling on SG Bike at Marina Bay Sands

People who exercise more regularly report an increase in energy and better quality sleep than those who do not! Through a study of 6,800 people, researchers found that regular exercise effectively increased energy and reduced fatigue. Non-exercisers also tend to be drowsier during the day and feel less rested when they wake up 😴.

Zzz... Take the weekends or your days off to spend some time going swimming, cycling, going to the gym, or playing badminton and many other activities! 🏊‍♂️🏋️‍♀️🏸 How about using SG Bike to exercise regularly? We have curated some cycling routes that you could use to get started on this new lifestyle habit:

A 7 days ride pass costs just $3.90, while a 30 days ride pass costs $11.90! What are you waiting for? Download the SG Bike app and start exploring Singapore on the cycling routes curated by us! 😊🚲


Try these tips out and let us know whether it works for you, and if not, let us know what other tips have worked for you! Remember to stay safe and always maintain social distancing. Together we can work to overcome and fight against COVID-19! 💪🏻❤️

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